Saturday, January 31, 2015

Product Swap Time & Giveaways!

Eeek! I was so excited when Melissa from Jungle Learners asked me to join in on her famous product swap!  The fun thing about this is that I get to "meet" another awesome blogger and check out her stuff as well as give it away to one lucky person!! So read on to find out more!
  Displaying StopSwap&Roll.png

So Melissa paired me up with Sonja over at Grade One Snapshots! I was able to grab her Alphabet Bundle which includes TWO (yes, two!!!) alphabet packs of hers. I chose this product because I still have a few students who are s.t.r.u.g.g.l.i.n.g with their letters (even in January!). So I knew that this would be great to use with those kiddos for extra practice!

Displaying Alphabet-Bundle-Cover-web.jpg 

We started off using the Alphabet Buddies pages with that small group. We (as in my assistant and I had a discussion about what to use for this particular group) picked the letter I because our kiddos still get the /i/ sound confused with e and it's sound.

I really liked this pack because it focuses on how to write that letter, the sounds of that letter, sentence practice and so many more things! 

We started with tracing the letters for upper case and lower case I. You can see that there is a little part of the paper that flips up. That comes 4 to a page (perfect for those small groups) and I LOVE the fact that there are various fonts for that letter (exposure to a variety of fonts really helps!)

The little alphabet buddy goes with each letter and you can see that the I buddy is ice skating!

Under that flap is a sentence where the student has to fill in that particular letter. The kiddos can also fill in each bubble letter with that letter to practice their writing! 

The next day in groups, the students reviewed that particular letter and then we moved on to the Alphabet Cut & Paste section!

Each letter comes with 3 corresponding words that begin with that particular letter of choice. The students cut out those words (we discussed each word and how to read the word, as well as focus on the parts of the word that would help us match to the correct picture) and glue the word to the picture.

At the bottom of each page is a space that has part of a sentence already completed. The section that is left blank is for students to write in one of those words from the top portion to complete the sentence.
So not only are they working on letters/sounds, they are working on vocabulary, and print concepts.  



Want to win a copy of this bundle? Well it's easy peesy, lemon squeezy!! Enter below! Then go check out all of the other awesome product swaps! 

Be sure to stop by all of the other Product Swaps!


Friday, January 2, 2015

HUGE 1,000 Follower Giveaway

The giveaway is LIVE today!!! It will run beginning today and end on Tuesday, the 6th!!

Make sure you head over to Sweet Sounds of Kindergarten to enter the rafflecopter!! 

I'm giving away my Middle Sounds Mayhem (located in Prize Pack #7!!).  

Thanks Kelly for allowing me to be a part of your HUGE milestone!! Congrats!


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Currently--A Fresh Start to a New Year

Happy New Year's!! It's hard to believe it's 2015-----does time go by faster the older we get??
So here's to a New Year---with a fresh start. Hope 2015 brings all your hopes and dreams to fruition! 

Life Quote
Let's begin with what I'm currently up to....I know it's on all of your minds--hehe :)

Listening---Rehab Addict. I like watching the DIY shows....sometimes secretly wishing (ok not so secretly) that someone from one of those shows would just start knocking at my door.....

Loving---The fact that I've had two weeks's slowly coming to an end. But I'm rested and ready....except for the lesson planning part (read the NEEDING ;)

Thinking---Yes the list never ends does it....The hubs and I were talking about all of the stuff we want to do around the house....ugh it gets longer and longer.

Wanting---For this year to be "THE YEAR"---what does that mean...I have no idea...whatever God has a plan for. Maybe for us to finally be parents, or us to be financially stable, or for us to just make a break-through in whatever area HE has us working on. Just wanting this year to be "it".

Needing---Lesson planning....need I elaborate?

Yes---Loving what Jamberry has brought to my family...opportunities, financial assistance, wonderful teammates and's been amazing

Maybe---Just to make some changes....there are always areas to improve on...healthier eating, exercising more....just taking it one day at a time....that's the best way to stick to anything

Wishing---We had the money to just adopt. It's such an expensive process...

There's my Currently!! What are you Currently up to?