Can't believe the year is almost ONE day....and what a year it's been!
I'm linking up with the 14 in '14 linky to share some of my favorites from this year!
Not necessarily a quote but so true.
Leggings or a hoodie. (I love a good sweatshirt!)
We actually just watched it for the first time the other night. So good.
Brought back lots of childhood memories!
Was hooked on Netflix this summer.
Still on season 1 so shhhhh...don't tell me anything!
Honestly...don't really have one.
I'm always wanting Chic-Fil-A does that count?
It has changed my life.
I tried it. Fell in love.
Became a consultant.
Here I am.
From a student earlier in the pretty and sweet!
Anyone else?
Well....I haven't really blogged in a while....not sure I could pick something?!
Entering in to year 12 of teaching (I think that trumps quite a bit!:)
And continuing to want to do it.....
This is one that was just taken at the beginning of the month at a local farm.
Dinner, hayride, and Christmas lights!
Celebrating a friend's birthday at an 80s party!
Packing all of these book bags& more to take to KY
on our annual summer mission trip.
To continue to work on staying healthy and eating right (even if it
means giving up those sweets when needed! ;)
To continue pushing forward in teaching and knowing that this is my calling.
To continue to grow in my Jamberry business...I love's not stressful and has really
helped us financially.