Saturday, February 28, 2015

Winner Winner!!!!

We had school today. Yes today. Saturday. Until 1:00. On a Saturday. All because of that darn ice, snow, bitterly cold crap that NC has no idea how to deal with.

And my schedule is completely off! LOL.....I definitely used today (only 9 students came) to get prepped for next week! Loved it!!

I put out all of my Dr. Seuss, dinosaur, and weather books!!! So excited about teaching and having fun with these themes this month!

I've also been having fun tonight getting prepared for tomorrow's launch of our Spring/Summer catalog!!!! Woop woop!! Love the new colors!

Wanna grab up a new sample from the new catalog?? Let me know!!

You could even host your own FB party and earn those you like for free!!!

Speaking of something that has been earned!!! Here's a winner from my Snowy Day Giveaway!!

Congrats Rachel!! Check your email!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Teacher's Notebook Sale & a Giveaway

I figured with all of this snow and ice and everything else that we've gotten...I'd just continue with the sales this let's call it a Snowy Day Sale!!

It's over at my Teacher's Notebook shop! Everything is 40% off (including bundles!!!)

Here are some of the items you can find on sale: 



Wanna win??? 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Did you know???? Teachers ARE Heroes!!!

In case you've been snowed in (we are on day number something...I lost count) but no snow today...just icky....then you would know that there is a HUGE sale happening over at TPT right now!!!

Teachers are Heroes! I have had some amazing teachers in my life (and some not so amazing..ahem) and I vow to be that amazing teacher for my students as well. Some days work better than others! ;)

But everything in my store is 20% off plus the extra 10% that TPT throws in!

Here are some new things that I added recently:

Poppin' Up Word Families


This pack includes:
  • A sorting activity
  • Recording sheets
  • Roll & Read
  • Roll & Write
  • Roll & Trace
  • Activity sheets for various word families
  • and other fun stuff!!

I added a Morning Work pack also (sometimes I have a hard time finding just a basic pack for the beginning of the year----as well as for my ESL students who are still struggling) so that's how I came up with this!!!

These are both on sale at my TPT store today!!!! 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Week's End Recap & a Giveaway

Another week down, another one bites the dust....and thank goodness. I think this has had to have been one of the craziest, worst, best, and weird weeks ever. Have you ever had one of those? 

No words for it. I was just so glad when Friday showed up....Friday the 13th. Friday, the day before Valentine's Day. Friday, a day full of wild kiddos who were so excited. 

It was Friday. But oh was I still so glad to see it.

Here's a recap of last week.....and a giveaway at the end! :)

I have a student who is reading a level F and she's my highest child in the classroom, as far as reading levels go. So I try to challenge her and give her extra activities that the others aren't able to complete. I also work with the AIG teacher in collaboration to give my kiddo some extra practice.

One activity she was working on was using a book called What is a Reptile? Then after reading, she had to sort various words into categories to go along with the book. She loved it and it was great giving her extra descriptive words to use during her writing time.

My other students were doing some Nonsense/Real word sort. I found this Valentine edition and they practiced it during small groups after playing a Nonsense Word Bingo.

About a month ago, our principal told us that she had extra money for each teacher to spend on items in their classroom. Um. Hello! Thanks! Love this. Christmas in January! Let's do it, right!!???

Well, after changing my shopping cart for the millionth time, I finally had my choices narrowed down to the price range I was allotted. Does anyone else find that difficult? Especially when shopping at Lakeshore!???

Here are some things I was able to get!! (This is just what I picked out---my personal views only---Lakeshore doesn't probably even know I exist!) :)

I picked out the Sight Words Activity Chest. It comes with 4 different ways to practice sight words---find, build, write, and match!

 This is the Build section. Words are printed front and back
of card---students use the letters provided to build the word. 

This is the match section. Again, words are front and back.
Students just match the words on the car.

And this one is find. Students cover the words in either red or blue
based on what the fish is showing (you can see the red fish is showing 
the word his so this student would cover that particular word in red).

I didn't get a picture of the write section, but students just practice tracing and writing the words on the cards.

Another activity I was able to get is Sight Word Fishing

Here she had just "fished" for a word, and she was
practicing reading the word. The other student had the pole. 

I did get a couple of other things but didn't get pictures of them yet. But here's what I did get:

I'll get some pictures of those this week in use and show you! I love the Giant Ten frames though because we've been tracking each day of the month and using it to teach how many ways to make 10?

Now on to the giveaway!!! 

The First Grade Scoop has reached a milestone and we're celebrating!!!

Click on the picture to hop over and enter!

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Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Winner Winner!!! & Currently Time!

Congrats Gloria!! You won the Alphabet Bundle from Grade One Snapshots!!! :)

Displaying Alphabet-Bundle-Cover-web.jpg

Check your email!

Thanks everyone for following along during the Product Swap! I hope that you found some new awesome things to check out!

Currently time!!! I'm linking up with Farley!! 


I love the Big Bang Theory....I think the hubs and I watch reruns every night! :)

So not sure if you know about My friend was telling me about it because I hate navigating through the book store website to download stuff for my Nook. Bookbub will send you lists of bargains daily! You just find what you want and grab them! :)

I haven't had a chiropractor adjustment in a year or so...and I can tell......ugh

Yes, it's cold. No there's no snow here....but I am not a cold weather girl. It's unbearable to me to walk outside. Yes, it could be worse. But that doesn't mean I have to like it!

I should be working on our Valentine's letter to send home with the kiddos, as well as a few activities.....oh well.....

Queen of Questions----my hubs says I ask some of the most ridiculous things....but I just say...if I don't know...then I'm going to ask! (Isn't that what we tell our students!!??)

***I'm booking up parties in February (tons of our wraps are retiring this month) & I'd love to give someone who books a party a free half-sheet of Facebook party (hehe no getting dressed up, you get to chill on your couch....and no getting out in this cold weather!!)***

If you're up to partying on Facebook and earning some free stuff-----go here and fill out your info!