I was finally able to get into my room yesterday because my carpets had already been cleaned, so a few of my awesome friends/co-workers got together and we worked in my room and my neighboring teacher's room just moving furniture.
But of course I forgot to take before pics--go figure! But I did take a few after--and with a lot of changes this year, my room looks huge. First of all, last year I had long rectangle tables and my friend next door had trapezoid tables that she put together to make a hexagon. But the problem is, her room is SMALL!
Our school has the open classroom concept (before I got there--10 yrs ago) there were no walls. It was all rolling cabinets that divided the rooms up. Now we have panel walls between our rooms and walls in the hallway. But the rooms are not divided up evenly space wise.
Are your picturing this or have I thoroughly confused you?
Anyway so we decided to switch tables---I took the trapezoid, she took the rectangle. And WOW at the difference it has made in both rooms! Amazing...no pictures of her room though--sorry..I should have though. AND!!! I got rid of my assistant's desk as well!!!
Ok on to the part you've been actually waiting for (unless you bypassed the above and went straight to the good stuff)! :) And I forgot my camera--grr so the pictures are from my phone---sorry!
This is the view from the door looking into the classroom. My assistant's desk was right on the left as you came in the room. Now that will be where my writing table sits...and look at the space!!!!!
This picture is the left wall that you would see if you were standing at the door. This obviously is my word wall. I've had the popcorn words displayed like this forevvverrr. No time for change this year but next year....hmmm. And the brown table in the bottom left corner was where the assistant's desk sat. The shelves that are covered is my reading station.
This wall (was placed there a few years before I got to this school---it use to be that the red cabinets in the pictures below were the "walls") Anyway...this are my math tubs and under the polka dot tablecloth is more math stuff. This is the wall to the right when you walk in the door. I was doing the Chicka Chicka Boom Boom exchange last year so hence the display. Not sure what I'll put up there this year.
Ok this is wall on the far right when you walk in the room. This is my display wall for my student's work.
Two of the famous rolling cabinets. These two house all my storage items (as well as a storage room across the hall) such as paper, crayons, etc. etc. And the stars are for my environmental print display board. These cabinets sit beside the math tub area and the kids display wall in the corner. There is one more red cabinet in the very back of the room (I think you can see it in the first picture) that holds the students book bags.
This view is from where my desk sits at the back of the room looking towards the front door. (I don't use my desk--so now my assistant and I can share it and I mostly will use that kidney shape table in the picture to work at--finally got one after wanting one for years! And once I get my crate seats to school they will be at that table.)
This is still a view from my desk but it shows now you can look into the next 3 kindergarten classrooms from the back of my room. I do not have anyone on the other side of me--it's all wall and the last teacher's room in the picture is closed off as well on one side. There is one other K teacher who is down the hall and she is open to 4th grade on one side.
Well there you have it. I'll post more pictures after next week once I have boards up and all the stuff put out and furniture exactly where I want it and all that good stuff. But at least you can see what we've gotten done so far. Because I couldn't do all of that by myself in one day (normally we have a couple of days).
Now--off to the pool!