Saturday, February 16, 2013

A MishMash of Learning for the Week

Mishmash? Is that a real word?? Apparently because it's not underlining it in that red line that says you've done something wrong! 

Whew what a busy week...I'm so glad that a 3 day weekend is ahead. And today has been a let's do all the laundry/pajama/movie(s) kinda day. My  hubs is off this weekend so we've both been ahem...lazy. And it's been rather nice if I must say. They are calling for snow here...rain/snow, who knows...yesterday was 65 degrees...we shall see.

Here are a few things we've been learning about this week. One of the purchases I made on Superbowl Sunday was Mrs. Miner's Directed President's Drawing packet. The kiddos did such an awesome job on the free MLK, Jr. drawings (see that post here) that I knew I had to buy this packet. 
This is just George...we drew Abe as well but apparently I didn't get those pics :/.  I'll take some this week because we have a display up in the hallway. I'm sooo impressed! They did such a wonderful job!

 We also had some fun during our literacy stations. Normally I'm working with my small math groups during this time (I do small groups for literacy and math at the same time----more on that in another post) that I never get to take pictures but this week....with Valentine's Day, assemblies, and other stuff I didn't get to groups unfortunately. 

Here are a few pics from a couple of station activities. 

This is my magnet/making words area. This time the students had to build their number words. This changes quite frequently. 

 In this area, students use frogs to hop to their sight words. If they can read the word, then they keep it. The frogs came from the Dollar Tree years ago.
 We were recently allowed to pick some items from the local teacher stores for our classroom. One of the activities I picked was Hot Dots. This student is working on the number Hot Dots activities. On some of the cards, they count the objects and click the number. Other cards it could be: matching, number words, number recognition, etc.

I also picked an Alphabet Hot Dots for my little guy in the room who still struggles, but it'll also be great for beginning of the year activities when they are just beginning to learn the alphabet. 

 This activity I downloaded years ago but please forgive me I have no idea where I got it from. It's a real word/nonsense word sort but called Silly Love Monster Words or Love Monster Words. I worked with two of the kiddos on this who are a little higher but still need that extra help. They really enjoyed this activity.

And of course, we worked on our Mimio and practiced finding sight words. My little friend here is popping the red balls to match two sight words. They really enjoyed this activity.
This activity also included fixing mixed-up sentences and putting words in ABC order. I got this off of the Mimio website last year. 

That's all of the pictures I took---just a little peek in what we do. Hope to have more for you next week when we finish President's Day and work on our 5 senses.

We also did quite a bit with Dental Health this week but of course I didn't get those pictures. But I will leave you with this video that I found on YouTube. Fair warning----the song WILL get stuck in your head. I think we have watched it no less than 8 times......

I found some great President Day videos as well. I'll post about that tomorrow!! 


  1. Thank you for sharing! I really liked your magnet word word and "frog jumping" centers. I really need to get my magnet letters out more often and perhaps organize them. :)


  2. I love your making words board and your president pictures! So cute!

    Kimberly Ann

    Live, Laugh, I love Kindergarten

  3. Those George Washington's are so cute!
    First Grade Found Me

  4. We love seeing your use of Mimio to teach sight words! Have you downloaded the new Presidents' Day lessons yet? Here's a link in case you'd like to try them out. Thanks for sharing your awesome creativity!
