In honor of Thanksgiving and having such a thankful heart---I decided to just do a throwback to last year's Thankful post. Here are a few things I'm thankful for:
**********Original Post on November 12, 2012*******
1. My Savior---without Him, I'd be nowhere, with Him--all things are possible.
2. My awesome hubby!! We've
been through some awesome, crazy, horrible, and words can not describe
stuff in the past 10 years we've been together. It's amazing what God
can do in a marriage and I couldn't ask for a better hubby or best friend!
My crazy dog....we lost our first fur baby last year so it was hard to
get another one. But we love him...even though he can drive me N.U.T.S!
4. My friends (who rock!) and my family (who rock too!).
5. A great job teaching a grade level that I love.
6. And doing this blogging thing---what an amazing way to "meet" so many awesome people.
7. My church and my church family---it's like a home away from home.

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